Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wee-Tails: Glazed Flowers, Leaves and Fruits

It has been said that you learn something new every day, and the Birthday Cakes book is an inspiring teacher. Here is a tip from the book on how to add a precious wee-tail to any cake.

Carolyn Miller writes:

"A frosty glaze makes fresh flowers, leaves, and fruits even lovelier for decorating cakes and cake plates. To glaze, simply beat an egg white until it is frothy, then dip the cleaned item in the egg white, or brush the egg white on with a pastry brush. Lightly dredge in super-fine sugar, then sprinkle more sugar over to cover any missed places. Let dry on a wire rack. Use the same day."

Wee Festivity particularly loves how the authors instruct us to decorate the cake OR the cake plate. See? That is a wee-tail right there, they just didn't know the lingo yet. Also, we would use this on a cake for any celebration, not just a child's birthday.

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