Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gift Idea: Birthday Royalty

{the photos are direct links to the Etsy listings for these items}

Wee Festivity recommends investing in a crown or two for the entire family to wear on their birthday. Although I am featuring children's crowns, knowing most Etsy sellers, it would probably be possible to custom order one with enough elastic to fit an adult also. After all, you're never too old to feel like royalty on your birthday.

In fact, I'm guessing adults need to be reminded even more than children how special THEIR birthday is too!

1 comment:

AnnieBlogs said...

Hey, I work with www.mochaclub.org, a non-profit that works in Africa. I saw that you were on the NaBloPoMo list, and we'd love for you to blog about our new campaign on Nov. 24th. The campaign is centered around this idea – at Mocha Club, we have always cared about building an accurate perception of both the challenges that Africans face, and the BEAUTY of Africa. We need bloggers to help get the word out. Please email our director at barrett[at]mochaclub[dot]org if you would be interested in hearing the details!