Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Party Favors: Candy Creek Wicked Big Suckers

Kids love little plastic toys, for about five minutes. Kids also love candy, which also lasts about five minutes. At least candy doesn't step on the earth for hundreds of years afterwards.

For all of these reasons, Wee Festivity thinks candy makes a fine party favor (if you are so inclined to give one). The kids are already hopped up on excitement, friends and cake, so what's one more ounce of sugar? And party favors, if done well, are simply another opportunity for one more wee-tail that personalizes your event.

These Wicked Big Suckers from Candy Creek actually come in at 7/8 of an ounce. See, you don't need a handful of candy to make a kid's day, just a giant lollipop. Pucker up!

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